Chapter 1. Observing the universe. Links with instrumentations
1.1 Observing the universe at different wavelengths
1.2 Parasitic sources of light emission
1.3 Other sources of light emission
1.4 Neutrinos
1.5 Gravitational waves
1.6 Observatories of the 21st century
Chapter 2. Telescopes
2.1 Basics on telescopes
2.2 UVOIR (UV-Optical-IR) telescopes
2.3 High angular resolution
2.4 Radio telescopes
2.5 Observing from space
2.6 X and γ-rays astronomy
Chapter 3. Light dispersers
3.1 Prisms
3.2 Gratings and Grisms
3.3 Fabry-Perot interferometers, tunable filters
3.4 Michelson interferometers, FFT
Chapter 4. Detectors
4.1 The observer’s problem
4.2 Flux Measurements and noises
4.3 Charge Coupled Devices (CCD)
4.4 Alternative detectors
Chapter 5. Introduction to spectroscopes
5.1 Introduction to astrophysical instrumentation
5.2 Spectroscopy: basic Layouts
5.3 Introduction to spectroscopes and data cubes
5.4 Quick spectroscope history
5.5 Spectrographs and spectrometers
Chapter 6. Spectrographs
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Elementary ray optics
6.3 Energy flow
6.4 Study of a spectrograph
6.5 Dispersers
6.6 Study of a spectrograph, the case of gratings
6.7 Application: Example of grating spectrograph
6.8 Instrumental design constraints
Chapter 7. Spectro-Imagers
7.1 Etendue Conservation
7.2 Multi-object spectrographs (MOS)
7.3 Spectro-imagers (IFU, IFS)
7.4 Spectro-imagers: spectrograph imagers
7.5 Spectro-imagers: spectrometer imagers