1) Introduction to superconductivity: superconductivity, the strange magnetic properties of type II superconductors, critical field and critical temperature, applications: the era of NbTi, superconducting strands, critical current densities, load line, current sharing temperature, temperature margin, superconducting materials in ITER, losses
2) Fusion and Superconductivity: from JET to Tore Supra and ITER, “Large Coil Task”, Tore Supra, EAST, KSTAR, W7-X, JT-60SA, introducing DEMO
3) Quench protection and detection: hot spot criterion, quench protection circuit, quench Detection
4) Dimensionning of superconducting magnets for fusion: rôle of plasma magnetic field in fusion reactor performance, radial extension of the toroidal field system, central solenoid
5) Cable in conduit conductors (CICC): CICC to face fast energy deposition specific for fusion magnets, forced flow helium to remove cryogenic losses, temperature difference between annular channel and central hole, performance of CICC, joints between CICC, economical aspects
6) ITER magnet system: why superconducting magnets ; toroidal field, central solenoid, poloidal field systems ; model coils ; thermal load; economical aspects