The course is composed of three parts: a part dealing with cosmological observables, another with the Friedmann-Lemaître cosmological model and a project part.
1. The observables
1.1. Objects and structures in the universe
Objects: Galaxies (individual and collectives properties) + QSO + CGM/IGM
1.2. Hierarchical structures
Groups of galaxies (including the Local Group) - Clusters of galaxies - Superclusters - Large scales structures (Voids – Filaments – redshift space)
1.3. The pillars of cosmology
The Hubble Law (expansion) + Distant SN (acceleration of the expansion)
The Cosmic Microwave Background
Primordial nucleo-synthesis + Current issues
2. Friedmann-Lemaître models
2.1. Introduction to general relativity (RG)
Tensor calculus - Curved spacetime – Energy-momentum tensors – Equivalence, RG and covariance principles – Formal Einstein equations.
2.2. Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW)
Einstein Eq. in the Friedman-Lemaître model for the Robertson-Walker metric: Calculus of the Christoffel symbols – Ricci tensors – Scalar Curvature – Einstein and energy-momentum tensors – Einstein equations.
2.3. Homogeneous universe
Scale factor equation – Densities - First and second equation of cosmologies – Hubble law – Deceleration parameter – Lookback time - Models without and with cosmological constant – Einstein-de Sitter models.
2.4. Properties of FLRW models
Density parameters – Galaxy luminosity function – Universe Mass-to-Light ratio - Evolution parameters – Radial trajectory of photons – Cosmic time - Proper and comoving distances – Redshift-apparent magnitude relation – deceleration parameter from distant supernovae.
2.5. Introduction to Inflationary models - adiabatic and isothermal density fluctuations