Emission of electromagnetic field.
Charge distribution in atoms and molecules. Electric and magnetic dipole and quadrupole moment.
Group theory and symmetries. Character tables.
Interaction with the electromagnetic field.
Absorption, scattering and dispersion. Natural lifetime, collision (critical density) and doppler broadening.
The Einstein coefficients and Laser physics
Atomic physics
Intro. to Atomic Units.
Reminders on operators, commutation rules and consequences, angular momentum in Quantum.
Mechanics. One-elec. atoms (quick remind of main results).
Many-electrons atoms – N-elec. Hamiltonian - The central-field model (CFM).
Schrodinger equation for independent electrons in the CFM.
Principle of asymmetry and consequences (Slater Determinants).
Subshells – Configurations – Atomic states. Periodic Classification.
Beyond the 0-order treatment: Corrections to the CFM and treatment of the Spin-Orbit interaction by direct diagonalization. Fine structure levels.
Beyond the 0-order treatment: the historical approach : multiplet theory, Hund’s Rules.
Typical central-field models in atomic physics (Hartree-Fock, Hartree-Fock-Slater, Parametric potential).
Molecular Physics
Born-Hoppenheimer approximation
Rotational spectroscopy
Vibrational spectroscopy
Molecular energy levels
Selection rules